Update regarding cannabis and community associations in Arizona

Please join us in-person or virtually for our next Lunch and Learn event with attorney Mark Waldron who is also a partner with Maxwell & Morgan. Mark will be discussing AZ Prop 207, which legalizes the recreational use of marijuana in Arizona and how the changes are impacting community associations.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Registration opens at 11:30 AM

Portales Corporate Center
4800 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Please RSVP by June 20, 2021 to mail@hoalaw.biz or (480) 833-1001 ext. 101
Link to zoom will be sent out on June 23, 2021.


This Maxwell & Morgan Lunch and Learn event is approved by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CMCA® certification.