
Maxwell & Morgan To Attend Utah CAI Golf Tournament

Maxwell & Morgan To Attend Utah CAI Golf Tournament

CAI is hosting a golf tournament for the Utah region. Maxwell & Morgan will be in attendance. Event details are included below. When Wednesday, August 25, 2021 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Check in and set up – 7:00 am Tee off – 8:00 am Lunch and awards – 2:00 pm Location South Mountain Golf Course 1247 Mike Weir Dr., Draper, UT 84020 Reserve your team and/or hole...

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Lunch and Learn Event – Cannabis and community associations

Lunch and Learn Event – Cannabis and community associations

Update regarding cannabis and community associations in Arizona Please join us in-person or virtually for our next Lunch and Learn event with attorney Mark Waldron who is also a partner with Maxwell & Morgan. Mark will be discussing AZ Prop 207, which legalizes the recreational use of marijuana in Arizona and how the changes are impacting community associations....

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Lunch and Learn Event – Cannabis and community associations

Maxwell & Morgan To Host Lunch & Learn

Please join us in-person or virtually for the 2021 Arizona Legislative Update presented by attorney Chad Gallacher, followed by special guest, Roger Hartzog from Tree Theory, speaking on the importance of community association "green assets" and related issues. When Wednesday, June 2, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Registration opens at 11:30 AM Location Portales Corporate...

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Maxwell & Morgan To Attend CAI Arizona Night Golf Event

Maxwell & Morgan To Attend CAI Arizona Night Golf Event

CAI is holding a Night Golf glow-in the dark tournament later this month for the Phoenix region. Maxwell and Morgan will be in attendance. Event details are included below along with a registration link. When Friday, May 21, 2021 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location Continental Golf Club in Scottsdale

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Brian Morgan to speak at CAI Virtual Law Seminar

Brian Morgan to speak at CAI Virtual Law Seminar

Each year Maxwell & Morgan attends CAI’s Community Association Virtual Law Seminar brought to you by the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL). The program is developed each year as part of CCAL’s commitment to advancing the knowledge and practice of community association law. The Law Seminar provides a unique learning...

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